Saturday, March 15, 2014

A few pictures.....

Some photos from the Public Unveiling of The Private Collection (direct link to photos HERE). The show is up throughout March and April. See you there!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

You are cordially invited...Saturday, March 15, 1-6pm

(Click to Enlarge)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                  March 10, 2014

CONTACT:  George Broderick, 1416 Commerce Avenue, Longview, WA 98632
Ph: 503-703-5188

ART EXHIBIT NAME:  Broderick Gallery, The Private Collection


Broderick Gallery presents an art exhibition entitled: The Private Collection. The show is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view and purchase original art by twenty of the most revered artists of the Twentieth Century.

Paintings and prints by Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Franz Kline (as well as others, such as Charles Criner, Janet Mueller, Michael Bryan, John Riddle, Guillaume Azoulay, Pissaro and Diego Rivera) will be displayed from March 15 to April 30, 2014, with a Saturday reception on March 15 from 1-6.

 The Public is invited.

RECEPTION: Saturday, March 15, 1-6pm

OVERALL ART EXHIBIT DATES:  March 15  – April 30, 2014

LOCATION:  Broderick Gallery 1416 Commerce Avenue, Longview WA, 98632

Gallery hours: Tues. thru Sat. from 10 to 5 and by appointment.

About Broderick Gallery:
The Broderick Gallery is geared toward an interdisciplinary interpretation of art and committed to a culturally inclusive viewpoint. Exhibitions focus on international, national and regional art developments chiefly in the 20th century; seek to present the cultural and historical context of art. Hours are Tues. thru Sat. from 10 to 5 and by appointment. For more about the gallery and its artists, please see or or call George Broderick, 503-703-5188