A(Click to Enlarge)
(Connected, by Osailys Milian Avila)
The show features 20-year-old Cuban artist Osailys Milian Avila (who goes by Osy --pronounced Ossie) in her first solo show in the United States.
Osy is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts of San Alejandro. She is currently studying at the Higher Institute of Art in Cuba. She is winner of First Place in Passion for Freedom 2012, a groundbreaking exhibit on the subject of Liberty at Unit 24 Gallery, next to the Tate Modern in London.
“To say I am thrilled to be able to introduce Osy to our area is an understatement”, Broderick said, “at 20 years old she is already garnering respect from judges and art critics globally. Osy’s ability to impart important social issues visually is surprisingly beyond-her-years”.
Osy will be in attendance at two receptions held in her honor. The Public is invited.
ARTIST RECEPTIONS: Saturday, December 8, 1-6p PM and Sunday December 9, 1-6 PM
OVERALL ART EXHIBIT DATES: December 8 - December 31, 2013
LOCATION: Broderick Gallery 313 East "B" St. Rainier. OR 97048 (MAP)
Gallery hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11am - 5pm and by appointment.